Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday addressed the AIPAC Policy
Conference in Washington, DC, via video. Netanyahu began his comments by
saying “hello from Jerusalem, the united capital of Israel that will
never be divided again.” “Last year, those who came to AIPAC were
accused of dual loyalty. This year, AIPAC was accused of providing a
platform for bigotry,” he continued, referring to statements by Rep.
Ilhan Omar last year and to this year’s condemnation of AIPAC by Senator
Bernie Sanders.
“These libelous charges are outrageous, and the best way to respond to that outrage is to do what you have done, by gathering in Washington today in full force. You send a powerful message to all those who seek to weaken our great alliance that they will fail,” he said. “I hope that tomorrow’s election will lead to a decisive outcome. I hope that I’ll be able to form a strong and stable government that will be able to deal with both the great challenges and the enormous opportunities we face,” continued Netanyahu.
President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century”, said Netanyahu, “is the opportunity of a century for Israel. It enables Israel to secure our vital security and our vital national interests by recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and over the Jewish communities that flourish in the heart of our ancestral homeland. It leaves open a path to a political settlement with the Palestinians, and it will help enable Israel to normalize our relations with our other Arab neighbors in the years ahead.” -Full Report
“These libelous charges are outrageous, and the best way to respond to that outrage is to do what you have done, by gathering in Washington today in full force. You send a powerful message to all those who seek to weaken our great alliance that they will fail,” he said. “I hope that tomorrow’s election will lead to a decisive outcome. I hope that I’ll be able to form a strong and stable government that will be able to deal with both the great challenges and the enormous opportunities we face,” continued Netanyahu.
President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century”, said Netanyahu, “is the opportunity of a century for Israel. It enables Israel to secure our vital security and our vital national interests by recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and over the Jewish communities that flourish in the heart of our ancestral homeland. It leaves open a path to a political settlement with the Palestinians, and it will help enable Israel to normalize our relations with our other Arab neighbors in the years ahead.” -Full Report